About / Coupons & Offers

Coupons & Offers 2018-02-14T07:33:57+00:00

Coupons & Offers

Here at WinesDirect we love our wines, we believe good wine should be enjoyed and more importantly shared. It’s not easy finding that perfect bottle of wine, so we have cut through the confusion of too much choice and unknown labels to take you to straight to the good stuff – wines we like to drink.

Our focus with our new 2018 service is on quality – reflected in the wines carried within our 90+ points selection and in our everyday wine list. We also believe in great deals and knowing our customers.

To help us get your basic contact details please register by clicking on the “My Account” button on the top of the homepage or by clicking the link below. This will allow us to communicate our special offers; exclusive deals and also our unique take on enjoying wine.

The welcome email sent following registration will contain a coupon code for an immediate RM40 off your first order in 2018.
